Monday, 29 June 2009


Oh, joy. Another week of the school holidays. Hence my meaningless activities to troubleshoot boredom continues. Sigh. I miss school. Call me crazy, but I do. Not that I miss studying, but the idea of school, in general. You know, hanging with friends, and having something close to significant to do.

Well, I'll just have to study on my own, then. Pffft. Yeah, right.

Oh, today's the day. Some PU1s were called for scholarship interviews -- you know, to do their A Levels in UK -- just a few months back, and a few days ago, they were phoned, and were summoned to MoE today, for the "final callbacks", as you would say in showbiz. I don't know who got the scholarship, probably all of them? I know my namesake-minus-n-plus-h got the scholarship, and truth be told, she's still in shock. Congrats, supersmiles Faizah.

So, hats off to those who got 'em.
And for those who didn't, well, you'll just have to deal with it and take your A Levels here. Haha!

Okay, that sounded evil. But, nyeh. Let it pass.

Tomorrow the select few, from the remainder of students who didn't get called for the interviews for UK, will go to a lecture for another scholarship, JIS. Of course, this scholarship is under the Teaching Scheme. So, listen up well, you guys. I know Zimah, Hanafi, Zirah, Jazmi, Zulfikar and Shafathin got called. Good luck, guys!

Oh, yeah. I forgot. The aforementioned scholars will still have to take their Qualifying Exams? Like, what the shit? They're going, anyway. Why do they have to sit for their Qualifyings?

Well, that's all.

"Ambil kari!" ;p <-- Hanafi's joke. Translate to English to find out.

p.s. Hanafi, I don't get your joke below. Tapi, lame. I like. Hahaha.

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